CTN television network and CTNI approached us and has cleared the way for us to broadcast the Great Awakening 6 nights a week. We have the opportunity to carry the gospel nightly into 40 million plus homes by way of satellite across North, Central, and South America. This is huge — it is a mass crusade every night — we are so excited — God is so good!
We, you and us together, are co-laborers together with the Lord. The anointing that is on this ministry comes into your life the moment that you partner with this ministry because you join together with us in helping spread revival across America and around the world. You share in the same equal reward that the ministry receives. Every soul that gets saved comes to your account. God notices every little thing that you do. He is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love. Remember that the only thing that we can take with us when we leave the earth is souls!
Adonica and I would like to thank all of our friends and partners, not only those at The River, but also those who have joined together with us from all over America and the nations of the world. Thank you for praying for this ministry and for supporting us financially. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your commitment to the Lord and to us. THANK YOU FOR HOLDING UP OUR HANDS — Without you, we would not be able to see the dream of America being shaken by revival come to pass.
We love you,
Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne
Revival Ministries
Revival Television Network
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