Announcements Week of March 15th - 22nd
The River ChurchPublish date: 03/15/2009
DO YOU HAVE A DESIRE TO BE DEBT FREE?Don’t miss Paid in Full this week! On March 15th, at 9:30 AM & 6 PM, and Monday through Wednesday at 7 PM, Pastor Eric Gonyon will be ministering from the Word of God and his Paid in Full series on money managment and supernatural debt elimination. This series teaches in a very simple way so that people from all walks of life can understand. In fact, in a class of 200 students at The River Bible Institute, he shared these principles and truths from his series. As a result, the class saved over $100,000 a year in monies that they were already spending. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...”. It’s time to get that knowledge and live the inheritance that the Bible states that we should live!
Attention 50+ members! The River at Tampa Bay has an exciting, new special inerest group for people 50 and over. Our first meeting will be March 21st at 5PM in the RBI room. Bring your favorite dish to share for our potluck and be prepared to meet new people, make more friends, have interesing conversation and enjoy great food. Please contact Steve or Colleen Thoreson at 941.312.2146 and RSVP by March 20th. We hope to see you there!
Don’t forget! Water baptism will be held immediately after the morning service today. If you would like to be baptized, please sign up at the information desk in the foyer.
If you would like to make the River at Tampa Bay your church family or continue to have a deeper walk with God, Pastors Rodney & Adonica and the Pastoral Staff invite you to attend our New Members/Foundations of Faith classes on Sundays from 8:40–9:15 am in the Welcome Center. Upon completion of four consecutive classes, you will be invited to a New Members Dinner hosted by Pastors Rodney & Adonica. Childcare will be provided for ages 1-12. Please call Pastor David at 813.971.9999 to RSVP.
¡Bienvenidos amigos! Nosotros proveemos traducciףn durante nuestros servicios. Por favor recojan sus audםfonos en la mesa de informaciףn en la entrada # 1.