Announcements Week of April 12th - 19th
The River ChurchPublish date: 04/12/2009
SOUL WINNINGCome and help us win Tampa for Jesus! We will be going on the streets every Thursday and Friday at 4:30 PM and Saturdays at 9:30 AM. We will see you there!
The Guys of Ignite will be meeting Tuesday, April 14th, at the Starbucks off Causeway Blvd. Come and enjoy a cup of coffee and encouraging fellowship in the things of God! For more information, please call Joel Clenney at (813) 545-4003.
On your mark, get set, GO! Ignite is hosting its monthly event. Come and join us for a night of go-carts, fellowship, and lots of fun on Friday, April 17th. We will be meeting at the church at 7 PM.
YOUNG PEOPLE! Remember that on Saturday, April 25th, we will have a fun-filled night with a bonfire and cookout. Meet us at the church at 5:30 PM.
We are having our monthly water baptism Sunday, April 19th, immediately following the 9:30 AM service. If you would like to participate, please sign up in the foyer at the information desk.
¡Bienvenidos amigos! Nosotros proveemos traducciףn durante nuestros servicios. Por favor recojan sus audםfonos en la mesa de informaciףn en la entrada # 1.