21st Century Revivalists


Publish date: 06/29/2009

You are living in the greatest time in the history of the planet! This is the time the Old Testament prophets would have given anything to live in–and God has you here for such a time as this. This is the wrapping up of the ages. The Lord needs people that are totally and completely sold out to Him in every area of their lives–people who will take His Word and His Spirit to a lost and dying world.

21st century revivalists are a new breed of people–they are a people who are consumed with eternity, who have a deep passion for Jesus, who win the lost at any cost, and who carry Heaven's touch with them everywhere they go.

In this awesome series, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne outlines what it is to be a 21st century revivalist and also how God wants to raise YOU up to be a revivalist in these last days. God has put His treasure on the inside of YOU–that YOU might carry His Gospel boldly to the very ends of the earth. Allow this series to stir you up to take revival all over the world.