Pastor Sal Sabino at The River

The River Church

Publish date: 06/30/2009

This Sunday, The River at Tampa Bay Church is blessed to have Pastor Sal Sabino ministering the word. Pastor Sal has an amazing testimony that you do not want to miss... Below is more information about Pastor Sal and his ministry in the Bronx, New York.

"The Rev. Sal Sabino, a former drug dealer who has served three prison sentences, is waging a campaign to convert gang members, drug dealers, youth and the homeless to his church, which has grown from 120 to 1,500 in just eight years.”
- The Washington Post

Fifteen years ago, Sal Sabino lost his youth on the streets of Manhattan's Washington Heights neighborhood. From an early age he was heavily involved in drug dealing and many other serious crimes, which landed him in jail several times. During his third prison sentence, this hard-talking, drug-pushing, violent criminal had a life-changing, spiritual experience, which led to the birth of new man. Although Sal Sabino continues to roam the mean the streets of New York City, he’s now marches to the beat of a different drum: Jesus Christ. Now his time and energy goes to rescue those he once supplied and victimized with drugs, violence, and crime.

Sal Sabino's story and personal testimony are dramatically detailed in his new book "Two Ways: The Life Changing Testimony of an Ex-Drug Dealer." This is the true story of a hopeless, helpless, and a seemingly powerless life in a downward spiral. Yet one miraculous event, one spiritual revelation had the power to take a life destined for the worst and transform it into one of our New York City’s most positive and productive assets. "Two Ways" should be one of the most gripping, true stories you’ll ever read.

About six months after Sabino's re-integration to society and a couple of weeks before the opening of the new church in the Bronx, Pastor Sabino was engaged to Kenia Manana, who he had met initially in prison while she visited together with a group of leaders that frequently visited and ministered at Fishkill.

Since June 15, 2000, Pastors Sal & Kenia Sabino have preached God’s Word and launched evangelistic crusades in the United States, Europe, and Latin America. They have also founded "The SEA", an international evangelistic association that was created to take the Gospel to the world. The SEA reaches out and evangelizes to the lost and outcasts of our cities and alerts this generation how drugs usually lead to violence, crime, broken homes, and many other social problems. Pastors Sal & Kenia Sabino, the SEA Staff and volunteers, envision an evangelistic invasion that will usher in the highly expected end-time revival worldwide.
