The Love Walk


Publish date: 07/27/2009

1 Corinthians 8:1-3 (Amplified) says that mere knowledge causes people to be proud and puffed up, but love edifies and builds us up, encouraging us to grow to our full stature. The man who imagines that he has come to know and understand much of divine things, yet without love, does not understand clearly nor has he become intimately acquainted with anything as he ought or even as is necessary.

In other words, even if you have an extensive, intellectual knowledge of the Word of God, if you do not understand love, you do not understand even the basics of God or His Word. Unless you understand God's love, His grace, and His mercy, you don't understand God at all. If you want to understand God and His Word, you must understand love. God is motivated by love, because God is love, and He wants us to be filled with, and motivated by, His love, too.

You and I are nothing without God's love. Your whole worth in this life is based on nothing else, but how much God loves you! Only His love makes you worthy to receive His grace and mercy. God loves you unconditionally—you are his precious treasure. Nothing you do or don't do will change the way He feels about you. In order to succeed in life, you must know how much God loves you; you must know that He loved you long before you loved Him; you must know what He has done for you because of this love.

In this series, Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne will encourage, exhort and provoke you to press into God and to make a decision and a commitment to walk the walk, talk the talk and really get to the know the Father. This series will change your life. If you walk in the love of God, you will walk in victory in every area of your life. God's blessing, provision and protection will be yours.