Becoming One Flesh


Publish date: 07/28/2009

According to the Word of God, marriage is the covenant relationship between a man and woman "becoming one flesh." If you are careful to follow His instructions, no matter what storms of life come or what winds of adversity blow your way, you can always confidently trust that the Lord will bring you through to the other side.

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:18-24 AMP

In this series, Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne share important and insightful truths from the Word of God and from their personal experiences on the subject of marriage. In this candid and often humorous look at the marriage relationship, they illustrate how a man and woman "become one flesh" in the bonds of holy matrimony.

From communication prior to marriage, to coping with common causes of marital discord, Drs. Rodney and Adonica offer practical advice in the application of God's Word for building and nurturing a strong, godly marriage. Whether you are married or single, this series provides a fresh look at the beauty of a covenant relationship between a man and a woman before God.