Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
ProductPublish date: 07/27/2009
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20 NKJV
In these last days, God wants to raise up godly people, putting resources and finances into their hands, so that they can help fund the end-time harvest. God is not going to throw money into just anyone's hands–this is for people that are consumed with the eternal purposes of God–who will be a part of the harvesting of nations!
The whole mind-set of the Church needs to change. The church has been poverty-minded and yet covetous at the same time. They want the things that money can buy, but they believe that wealth is somehow either illegal or unattainable for them. Money itself is not good or bad–it's neutral. The purpose of wealth is not to provide for the indulgences of the flesh; it is not meant to make people so proud and independent that they think that they don't even need God anymore. God supplies us with blessings because He loves us and because He loves souls–He blesses us in order to establish His Kingdom on the earth and to bring glory to Himself. It is all about souls, and in order to reap those souls, it is going to take money–a lot of money.
Your biggest hindrances are the limitations in your own mind. You cannot expect God to do through you what you will not allow Him to do in you. If there is little power at work in you, then there is little purpose at work through you. If you allow God to do a big work on the inside of you, then God will be able to do big things through you. What would happen if the Holy Spirit totally indwelled your innermost being and personality? Wouldn't God be able to do mighty things through you?
Do you have big dreams? Do you have some dreams that have not yet come to pass? Everyday you are faced with decisions—choices that steer the course of your life. Wise choices will steer you toward, and not away from, the will and plan of God for your life. As you watch this life-transforming message from Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne, we pray that you will receive wisdom from God's Word and be inspired to achieve great things for the Lord.