You are invited to join us for The Great Awakening Broadcast, which has been extended through June 2011, with Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne.
Since January 2nd, we have received more than 100,470 phone calls from people who are watching at home. Through phone calls, we have had over 13,720 salvations, 4,870 Holy Spirit baptisms, and 4,300 healings. Through social media such as Twitter, E-mail, SMS, and testimonies and prayer requests through revival.com, we have had over 37,950 responses. With phone calls and social media, we have had over 138,420 DIRECT CONTACTS.
On weekdays at 1 PM and on Saturdays at 9:30 AM, Power Evangelism classes are offered and teams go out to fulfill the Great Commission. Join us! The classes are FREE and anyone can be a part!
Are you leading others to Christ? Please, report your Soul Winning Stats. Post your stats by going to revival.com. Create a log in and click Post Stats.
Many have downloaded or been sent the Gospel Soul Winning Script and are leading others to Christ. Believers from 47 countries and 1,325 cities are actively participating with the Great Awakening and have posted over 291,510 DECISIONS FOR JESUS CHRIST!
As you may know, we decided not to receive any offerings on the Live TV broadcast so that we can use all three hours nightly to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and motivate people to win souls. Please, prayerfully consider sowing a generous seed into this global harvest today. If one person would give something substantial each week, it would really help make a big difference. Please, ask the Lord what He would have you to do and do exactly what He directs you to do. Invest in the Gospel
We also have Healing School classes going on every Monday – Friday, from 2:30 - 4 PM in the RBI auditorium, which is free to all. It is open to anyone and everyone who desires to learn what the Word of God teaches about healing, to grow in faith regarding healing, and to walk in the authority that Christ gave every believer over sickness and disease. For more information, please click here or call us at (813) 971-9999.
God is MOVING IN A MIGHTY WAY. People are coming from other states and countries. They are receiving the fire of God, a HOLY BOLDNESS, and are taking it back home. As a result, many are seeing their areas SHAKEN WITH THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!
Make plans NOW to join us in Tampa! Registration is FREE.
We love you and know that God has GREAT things in store for you!
Healing Testimonies
Gloria from Houma, LA called the Great Awakening Broadcast prayer line. She said that she could not walk straight for the last 2 to 3 years; she was bent over. After sharing the Word of God and praying for her, Gloria said that her back straightened and she was not bent over anymore!
Diane from Macon, GA called. She had been hard of hearing in both of her ears for her entire life. She's now 62 years old. She also suffered from back pain all her life. After sharing the Word of God with her and praying, the Lord opened both of her ears and all the pain left her body. Diane also received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior!
Cora called from Tampa, FL to say that she received the Gospel Soul Winning Script in the mail today. She also mentioned that her hand was swollen 2 inches for 3 weeks. The operator then shared the Word of God and prayed and Cora said that all the swelling left her hand!
Berline from Warner Robbins, GA called to give a praise report. She said that she had received prayer yesterday for a very bad eye infection in her left eye. She suffered from this infection for 3 days and her eye was swollen half an inch. She testified to the operator that the swelling and pain were now gone! "It's a miracle," she exclaimed.
Jake from Santa Rosa, CA called. He had been battling fear and an addiction. The operator shared the Word of God and prayed for him. Jake then received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior!
Ministers' & Leaders' Conference is a special time of refreshing and impartation for all of those who serve in the ministry. Set aside this week and purpose in your heart to receive all that heaven has for you to receive at this conference.
Registration is free and now open for every believer whose desire is to fulfill the call of God on their life. For special guests details, service times, travel information...
Golf Tournament Friday, May 20th is the annual RMI Golf Tournament at Heritage Isle Golf and Country Club. There is a fee of $100 per person. Early bird registration for a team of 4 is $350. The tournament is open to men and ladies. You can put a team together or we can join you with other golfers. Register at revival.com or to sponsor a player call (813) 971-9999.
Ladies’ Luncheon Ladies, please, join Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne for our Ladies’ Luncheon immediately following the morning service of Ministers’ Conference on Friday, May 20th. Don’t miss this opportunity for an afternoon of fun, fellowship, and excellent food. The cost will be $35. Purchase your tickets on revival.com.