Great Awakening Jacksonville, FL


Publish date: 05/01/2012

May 27th - June 1st, 2012

Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne invite you to join them in Jacksonville, FL for the Great Awakening Tour May 27 - June 1, 2012. The nightly meetings are at 7 PM and Power Evangelism is at 10 AM daily. Admission is free. God is ready to pour out His Spirit on you and He's ready to use you.

Together, let's reach Jacksonville for Jesus — changing Jacksonville one heart at a time! Do whatever you can to be a part of this history making event.

Bring your friends and family; they will be glad that you did! We promise you that if you attend these meetings and go soul-winning with us, your life will change; you will never be the same again!

Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne
Pastors Eric & Jennifer Gonyon

The River at Jacksonville
1820 Monument Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Phone: 904.646.5656

Service Times:
Sunday-Friday at 7 PM

Power Evangelism:
Monday-Saturday at 10 AM

FREE Promotional downloads
Poster (11x17)
Flier (8.5x11)

Travel Information:
9815 Lantern St.
Jacksonville, FL 32225 (2.14 miles)
$74/night - $79/night including breakfast
*ask for The River at Jacksonville rate

1021 Hospitality Lane
Jacksonville, FL 32225 (2.13 miles)
$89/night including breakfast
*ask for The River at Jacksonville rate/Suzanne