If you are believing God for property, sow! We believe that this blessing, was directly linked to ou
TestimoniesPublish date: 04/02/2003
We have been coming to The River since 1998. We listened to Pastor Rodney when he spoke on pledging to the building fund. We stood in agreement with Pastor Rodney when he said "If we build God's house, He will build ours." We wound up not only starting our pledge, but we upped our pledge two more times.
We were believing God for a house because we were in a two bedroom apartment, with a baby on the way. The first miracle we had after we pledged was that we sold our house in South Carolina. It sold very quickly and we were able to use that money to make a down payment on our new house and to pay off some of our other debts. We began looking at older houses in the area that we wanted and we also wrote a list of everything that we wanted in the house. We both secretly wanted a new house, but we didn't know how that was possible since we had a baby on the way. We began looking at older homes and we didn't find anything that we wanted. We found a new home in a model that we wanted and the sales agent said, "Oh, by the way we have one of those available when you need it." The owner started building the house and pulled out of the deal. So, we got a new house in three months instead of waiting nine to twelve months to build a new one. God had already started building our house and we didn't even know it. This house had everything we had on our list. We were blessed in every area and God truly built our house. If you are believing God for property, sow! We believe that this blessing, was directly linked to our sowing into the building fund. It works!!
Ryan & Stephanie Giles
Tampa, Florida