Monthly DevotionalPublish date: 02/25/2005

Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
….I believe that we stand on the brink of the two streams coming together; the upper and the lower springs, creating a flood, a supernatural flood for the funding of the end-time harvest, so that we can reap the greatest harvest of souls that the world has ever seen. This is the year—2005 is the year of the launching. 2005 is the year when the culmination of what God has promised us will come to pass. So we can go marching through the nations of the earth and we can see whole countries, whole cities, whole towns, whole villages saved in a matter of days.
I see it changing. I see the day coming when there will be no restrictions. There will be an unlimited supply to get the job done. We can go in and stay a month, two, three, five months. If the radio doesn’t like it—we’ll buy the station, and if the TV gives us a problem—we’ll buy the TV. If the newspapers don’t like it—we’ll shut them down. But I believe we stand on the brink of the greatest harvest of souls that the world has ever seen!
The two streams are coming together; the anointing and the finances coming together for the financial and spiritual harvest. We’re going to take from the devil. We’re going to hurt him in two areas. We’re going to take his money and we’re taking people!
This last day end-time move of God—what is it going to be? It’s going be a coming together of the latter and the former rain. The harvest shall be so great that there won’t be room enough in the churches to fit the people. You won’t be able to build a building big enough to house the people. Where they build all these stadiums, we will possess them. There will be more than enough provision to fulfill your vision.
The souls—we’re not going to get them without the finances, so we need the two to come together. You always know if you’re going to go the right way, if souls are your number one goal, because that was Jesus’ number one goal when He came to the earth. If souls are not—I don’t care if you’re a pastor or a teacher or someone who wants to disciple the church and make them grow. You have to have souls. Souls must be your number one goal, because that was the master’s number one goal. For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost. Souls. Souls. Souls. The harvest. People. Souls. The only thing you can take with you when you leave this earth, is people….
Having an Encounter with God
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
....I believe that if you had to pick out of all the messages that we have brought on the subject of revival, and say to me you are only allowed to preach one—it would be “Having an Encounter with God.” Because that is what revival is; revival is having an encounter with God.
If you study the book of Job, when God showed up in a whirlwind, the Bible says that Job fell on his face and God said to him, “Gird up your loins like a man. Stand up.” He said, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Do you have a voice? Can you thunder like me?” Job had gone on rambling and talking rubbish and God began to reveal himself to Job and said, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Do you have a voice? Can you thunder like me?” Job did something that he probably should have done right at the beginning. He took his hand and put it across his mouth and he said “I put my hand on my mouth because obviously I have spoken things I don’t even know what I am talking about.” Then he made this statement: He said to God, “I had heard of thee by the hearing of my ear, but now mine eye seeth thee.” It’s one thing to read the book, it’s another thing to meet the author of the book!
You have to be hungry and you have to be thirsty. If you study the lives of great men and women of God, you’ll see that every one of them, before God ever began to use them, they had an encounter with God. You have to learn how to activate that hunger. You have to learn how to come to that place of desperation and plug right into what heaven has.
There is something about an encounter with God—something happens on the inside. When that takes place, friends and family and loved ones and people that have known you for years will look at you and say, “There’s something different about you.” When God touches you, it’s not going to be business as usual. It’s not going to be the same old, same old. There will be a distinct difference from before and after. Just like somebody who lost a hundred pounds and you got the before picture and you got the after picture—that’s how drastic it is. It’s not the same old, same old. You can’t have an encounter with God and it not affect your whole being—something happens.
I pressed in as a young man, 18 years of age, in the month of July 1979, when the fire of God fell on me. So I know God can touch you in your living room, and I know God can touch you in your bedroom. If you seek Him, you’ll find Him.
The Bible says, Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee. The Bible says, when the apostles ministered, the Holy Spirit gave witness with signs and wonders and miracles and manifestations. That’s what you were born for; that’s the power of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. But he wants to do it in you before He does it through you. He cannot do it through you until He does it in you. All it takes is one man, one woman. That’s all it takes. One man, one woman, set ablaze and whole cities will be shaken. It’s just one touch....
….I believe that we stand on the brink of the two streams coming together; the upper and the lower springs, creating a flood, a supernatural flood for the funding of the end-time harvest, so that we can reap the greatest harvest of souls that the world has ever seen. This is the year—2005 is the year of the launching. 2005 is the year when the culmination of what God has promised us will come to pass. So we can go marching through the nations of the earth and we can see whole countries, whole cities, whole towns, whole villages saved in a matter of days.
I see it changing. I see the day coming when there will be no restrictions. There will be an unlimited supply to get the job done. We can go in and stay a month, two, three, five months. If the radio doesn’t like it—we’ll buy the station, and if the TV gives us a problem—we’ll buy the TV. If the newspapers don’t like it—we’ll shut them down. But I believe we stand on the brink of the greatest harvest of souls that the world has ever seen!
The two streams are coming together; the anointing and the finances coming together for the financial and spiritual harvest. We’re going to take from the devil. We’re going to hurt him in two areas. We’re going to take his money and we’re taking people!
This last day end-time move of God—what is it going to be? It’s going be a coming together of the latter and the former rain. The harvest shall be so great that there won’t be room enough in the churches to fit the people. You won’t be able to build a building big enough to house the people. Where they build all these stadiums, we will possess them. There will be more than enough provision to fulfill your vision.
The souls—we’re not going to get them without the finances, so we need the two to come together. You always know if you’re going to go the right way, if souls are your number one goal, because that was Jesus’ number one goal when He came to the earth. If souls are not—I don’t care if you’re a pastor or a teacher or someone who wants to disciple the church and make them grow. You have to have souls. Souls must be your number one goal, because that was the master’s number one goal. For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost. Souls. Souls. Souls. The harvest. People. Souls. The only thing you can take with you when you leave this earth, is people….
Having an Encounter with God
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
....I believe that if you had to pick out of all the messages that we have brought on the subject of revival, and say to me you are only allowed to preach one—it would be “Having an Encounter with God.” Because that is what revival is; revival is having an encounter with God.
If you study the book of Job, when God showed up in a whirlwind, the Bible says that Job fell on his face and God said to him, “Gird up your loins like a man. Stand up.” He said, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Do you have a voice? Can you thunder like me?” Job had gone on rambling and talking rubbish and God began to reveal himself to Job and said, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Do you have a voice? Can you thunder like me?” Job did something that he probably should have done right at the beginning. He took his hand and put it across his mouth and he said “I put my hand on my mouth because obviously I have spoken things I don’t even know what I am talking about.” Then he made this statement: He said to God, “I had heard of thee by the hearing of my ear, but now mine eye seeth thee.” It’s one thing to read the book, it’s another thing to meet the author of the book!
You have to be hungry and you have to be thirsty. If you study the lives of great men and women of God, you’ll see that every one of them, before God ever began to use them, they had an encounter with God. You have to learn how to activate that hunger. You have to learn how to come to that place of desperation and plug right into what heaven has.
There is something about an encounter with God—something happens on the inside. When that takes place, friends and family and loved ones and people that have known you for years will look at you and say, “There’s something different about you.” When God touches you, it’s not going to be business as usual. It’s not going to be the same old, same old. There will be a distinct difference from before and after. Just like somebody who lost a hundred pounds and you got the before picture and you got the after picture—that’s how drastic it is. It’s not the same old, same old. You can’t have an encounter with God and it not affect your whole being—something happens.
I pressed in as a young man, 18 years of age, in the month of July 1979, when the fire of God fell on me. So I know God can touch you in your living room, and I know God can touch you in your bedroom. If you seek Him, you’ll find Him.
The Bible says, Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee. The Bible says, when the apostles ministered, the Holy Spirit gave witness with signs and wonders and miracles and manifestations. That’s what you were born for; that’s the power of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. But he wants to do it in you before He does it through you. He cannot do it through you until He does it in you. All it takes is one man, one woman. That’s all it takes. One man, one woman, set ablaze and whole cities will be shaken. It’s just one touch....