Confession of Faith for Prosperity

Publish date: 08/10/2024

I listen diligently and pay attention to the voice of the Lord my God.
I am watchful to do all His commandments, which He commands me this day.
Therefore, the Lord my God is setting me high above all the nations of the earth.
All these blessings are coming upon me and overtaking me because I heed the voice of the Lord my God:
I am blessed in the city and blessed in the field.
The fruit of my body is blessed and the fruit of my ground is blessed and so is the fruit of my beasts, the increase of my cattle and the young of my flock.
My basket is blessed and so is my kneading trough.
I am blessed when I come in and blessed when I go out.
The Lord is causing my enemies, who rise up against me, to be defeated before my face.
They may come out against me one way, but they will flee before me seven ways.
The Lord is commanding the blessing upon me in my storehouse and in all that I undertake.
The Lord my God is blessing me in the land, which He has given me.
The Lord is establishing me as a person holy to Himself, as He has promised me, because I am faithful to keep the commandments of the Lord my God and walk in His ways.
All the people of the earth see that I am called by the Name of the Lord and that His hand is upon me, and they are afraid of me.
The Lord is making me to have a surplus of prosperity, through the fruit of my body, of my livestock, and of my ground, in the land which the Lord promised to give me.
The Lord is opening to me His good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain to my land in its season and to bless all the work of my hands.
Therefore I will lend to many nations, but I will not borrow.
The Lord is making me the head and not the tail.
I am above only and not beneath.
I am blessed today and every day, because I heed the commandments of the Lord my God,
which He commands me this day and I am watchful to do them.
I will not turn aside from any of the words, which He commands me this day—to the right or to  the left—to go after other gods to serve them.
I am abundantly blessed, because I serve the Lord my God with joyfulness of mind and heart, in gratitude for the abundance of all with which He has blessed me.

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 and 47
Paraphrased from the Amplified Bible

I am blessed and fortunate, because I fear, revere, and worship the Lord.
I delight greatly in His commandments.
My offspring shall be mighty on the earth.
I am upright and I and my family, my children, our generations, are blessed.
Prosperity and welfare, wealth and riches, are in my house.
My righteousness endures forever.
Light arises in the darkness for me, because I am upright, gracious, compassionate, and just.
I am in right-standing with God.
It is well with me, because I deal generously, give, bless, and lend.
I conduct my affairs with justice.
I will not be moved forever.
I will be in everlasting remembrance.
I do good works.
Because I do good, I have a good name and the good I do is remembered.
The good that I do will have an eternal impact.
I will not be afraid of evil tidings.
My heart is firmly fixed, trusting in, leaning on, and being confident in the Lord.
My heart is established and steady.
I will not be afraid, while I wait to see my desire established upon my adversaries.
I am a blessing and I distribute freely.
My righteousness endures forever.
The Lord is raising me up and bringing promotion.
The enemy has no place in my life.
Only God's plans for me will succeed.

Psalm 112:1-10 Paraphrased

Lord, I thank you that obedience releases Your blessing. Lord, what You have planned for me is so much bigger than the plans I have for myself. I submit myself to You and Your word and I prepare my heart to receive Your abundant blessing and favor in my life.
