River Bible Institute – Classes begin Aug. 31
RMI World HeadquartersPublish date: 06/19/2006

The River Bible Institute exists to brand a new generation with the fires of Revival. Many have their own concept of what Revival is. Revival is change; change of heart; change of ways; change in the way we think, change in the way we treat others. It means change in every area of our lives.
RBI was birthed in the hearts of our founders, Dr's Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne for one purpose and one purpose only, to raise up Revivalists in this 21st Century. A Revivalist is one who will allow God to do in him/her, what they will allow God to do through him/her. Are YOU one of these Revivalists? Are YOU ready to change YOUR city? Are YOU ready to change YOUR state, YOUR country? Most of all, are YOU ready to see Revival shake America and the Nations of the World? Then, without hesitation, click here and we will see YOU in August!
Spreading Revival Together,
Rev. Brian Hamilton-Grein
Dean - The River Bible Institute
Morning or Evening Classes Available!
Classes Begin August 31. Call 813-899-0085 for more information.