Announcements - week of September 10 - September 16
The River ChurchPublish date: 09/10/2006
Pastor Rodney in Ocala, FL - Tonight at 6 PM Pastor Rodney will be broadcasting live from The River at Ocala Church to The River at Tampa Bay Church. Don’t miss this special time of impartation. In addition, Pastor Rodney will also be ministering in Ocala on Monday at 7 PM. The River at Ocala Church is located at 3870 Southwest College Rd., Ocala, Florida 34474. For more info, please call (352) 873-7386.Prayer & Care Center Team - The River at Tampa Bay Church and Revival Ministries International are excited to announce The Prayer & Care Center Team. The purpose of the Prayer & Care Center Team is to pray for and to help meet the needs of the people. If you would like to help in this capacity and be part of this team, please fill out the enclosed insert in your bulletin and place it in the offering bucket today. Thank you for serving and for making an ETERNAL DIFFERENCE.
Holy Spirit Weekend, September 15-17 - You have a date with destiny this September—come and be refreshed in the presence of God. Come expecting God to meet you where you are at and to touch your heart and life in a powerful way!
Also, on September 17 we will be celebrating Pastors Rodney & Adonica’s 25th wedding anniversary. Don’t miss this special weekend!
Service Time Change - Please keep in mind Tuesday & Thursday night services will now be at 7:30 PM.
River Youth (Not Your Cute, Religious Youth Church—this stuff is REAL)- Join the River Youth every Sunday night at 6 PM for x-treme drama, God’s presence, live music and an intense message. The River Youth is open to all, ages 13-19.
Children’s Church- Children’s Church is available for children ages 1-12 for all services.
Traducciףn en Espaסol- ¡Bienvenidos amigos! Nosotros proveemos traducciףn durante nuestros servicios. Por favor recojan sus audםfonos en la mesa de informaciףn en la entrada # 1.