Run with the Vision in 2007
Monthly DevotionalPublish date: 10/05/2006

Next year, 2007, will be our 20th year in the United States of America! It is fitting that we should focus exclusively on the USA through the year with our Great Awakening Tour. We have a heart for people in every nation, but America is where God sent us first and it's where our primary focus is.
The Lord sent us to America with a mandate: "Tell America to get ready for the coming revival!"
Revival in the church always precedes an awakening. We have always made souls our priority, working to bring believers back into fellowship with their Lord and Savior, and bringing the lost into the family of God. We are missionaries—sent on a mission, with a divine purpose—to shake America with the power of the Gospel.
God has called us to light fires and bring in the harvest. In April of 1989, a revival broke out that carried us around the world and now the Lord has laid it on our hearts to focus almost exclusively on the USA for the next couple of years. We only have a two-year window between now and the next presidential election—a very important time in America's history. If ever we needed you on board with us, on our team, it's right now! Please pray and ask the Lord how He would like you to be involved. This is your opportunity to be part of something great in your own nation—America!
It's time for a grass-roots awakening in this great land! We have seen great results in our Good News mass-crusades in South Africa and it is time to see the same things in the USA. It is time to see America shaken and there is no time to waste! It's time for a great awakening!