The Price of Revival
Monthly DevotionalPublish date: 02/16/2007

Recently the Lord reminded me of something that happened during the Good News Shreveport/Bossier Crusade, in Louisiana, in the summer of 2000. The funds were not coming in for this meeting like they had the year before for Good News New York. I prayed and asked the Lord what I should do and I heard Him clearly ask me, "Son what would you do if you were in China right now?" I replied, "Lord I would give my life for the Gospel!" at which He told to me, "Don't get soft just because you are living in the USA!"
I felt that, whatever the cost, the crusade must be paid and the gospel must go forth. We had already given our house to the Lord in our hearts—whatever we have is His—and so my wife and I decided to mortgage our house and put the money in the crusade. We gave the ministry $300,000 for the crusade. Others also lent us money to finish this harvest of souls.
There was a pastor who knew how tough it had been to finish this crusade and he told us that we must have missed God in doing this crusade because we had to borrow money to do it. I could not believe what I was hearing! Here was a man who had just borrowed millions to build his church! I asked him, "Did you borrow the money to build your church?" He replied, "Yes," so I told him, "Well you must have missed God then!" He wasn't too happy with me, but my point was made.
Is it not amazing that, in some people's minds, for them to borrow money to build a building is the will of God, however, because someone else borrows money for a harvest of souls, they missed God? At that moment the Lord showed me one of the big problems in the American Church—the lack of real faith in God, the inability to believe God for something outside of their own needs, and the unwillingness to put themselves—their finances or their reputation—at risk to see a nation shaken. This is the price of Revival!
And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, 30 saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.' Luke 14:27-30 NIV
Jesus said that if a man wants to build a tower, he will first count the cost so that he knows whether or not he will be able to finish it. We have interpreted this to mean that each and everything that we do, we have to sit down and count the cost again and again. Jesus is not just talking about projects and money here. He is talking about a commitment to a cause—His cause! The bottom line is that when you have counted the cost, you will see that it is the same for everyone–it's all—it's everything—the price for souls is whatever it takes!
Now, let me say this: never borrow something you are not willing and able to pay back and never commit to do something that your faith cannot sustain. In other words, you may not have the capability in the natural to do a project, but if you have the faith for it, then it is absolutely possible because of the power of God! Don't try to rent stadiums if you have never even rented the town hall, but do stretch yourself and your faith to the next level of where you are at and always do what God tells you to do!
The fact of the matter is this: that at the Judgment Seat of Christ, we will not be sorry that we spent, and borrowed, and used, every method possible to bring in the harvest of souls—whatever the cost; whatever it takes! There are people who throw out the slogan: "Win the lost at any cost!" however, you must know that it might cost you everything—even your life!
This month, as we begin the Great Awakening Tour in Humble, Texas, and as we get ready for the second city, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the third city, Fort Walton Beach, Florida, we have counted the cost! Would you consider sowing a special seed to help us this month? We are in the process of purchasing our own remote television truck so that we can produce quality programming. Especially since we air many of these nights live, globally, on the God TV network. We are excited that Rory and Wendy Alec, of God TV, have partnered together with us for the great awakening tour.
There are some of our partners, who understand the urgency of the hour and who believe in what God is doing through this ministry in this day and time, who could give $100,000, while others could give $10,000, $5,000, or even $1,000. Maybe there are partners who cannot do this all at once, but would pray about doing it over the next three months. This is not just about you and me—this is about the United States of America being shaken with the glory of God!
Would you pray and ask God and then plant a seed in this soul-winning harvest and revival ministry and let us see the 3rd Great Awakening in America in our generation?
We love you very much.
Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne
Missionaries to America