Africa Holy Ghost and Fire Tour 2024 – Week Four

Pastors Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne

Publish date: 04/28/2024

Foundation Scriptures:

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature… Mark 16:15-18 



April 21-26, 2024

(See for more preaching schedule and updates)



City #261 of 300

April 19-21, 2024


Cape Town Ablaze Day Two

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pastors & Leaders Meeting

We had a great pastors and leaders meeting on the morning of Day 2, with 140 of the participating pastors. I shared my heart with them about the future of South Africa, and that they should make a stand for righteousness and truth!


Athlone Stadium Revival Meeting Night Two

Attendance: 31,115 | Salvations: 13,297 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 22,046

What an amazing night in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa. I will never forget this meeting—the joy, love, celebration, and pure bliss.


Cape Town Ablaze Day Three

Athlone Stadium Revival Meeting Night Three

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Attendance: 29,928 | Salvations: 10,661 | Mobilized for the Harvest: 21,273

On Sunday night, we concluded the MEGA three-day crusade in the great Athlone Stadium with many miraculously healed, and once again, thousands were saved. God sent us here at this appointed time to see South Africa shaken. Each night, Adonica and I, and the entire team, stood in awe as we watched thousands of people from every tribe and tongue, gather hungry and thirsty for a touch from Heaven. It was a dream come true! Over three days, we rented a total of 2,835 buses/taxis to transport people to and from the stadium. Praise God, the entire budget for the Crusade $1,178,961.51 (R22,585,520.63 South African) was PAID IN FULL! Glory to God!


Cape Town Ablaze Totals 3/3 Meetings

Total Attendance: 88,445 | Total Altar: 35,542 | Total Mobilized: 60,692



City #262 of 300

Monday, April 22, 2024 

We departed Cape Town at 10 AM and landed just after noon at King Shaka International Airport. We were warmly welcomed to Kwa-Zulu, Natal, by Apostle John Van Niekerk and his wife and a large group of people—including Princess Nobuhle Zondi, a Zulu princess—and a group of Zulu warriors (Impis) doing their traditional dances. Then we drove the 63 miles to Pietermaritzburg.


Revival Meeting Night One

Attendance: 2,017 | Altar Call: 367 | Mobilized: 935

The first meeting in Pietermaritzburg was held at Christ Church with Apostle John Van Niekerk and supporting churches of Pietermaritzburg City. Many were touched by the fire of God and were mobilized to win souls.


Pietermaritzburg Day Two

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Business & Leaders Meeting | Attendance: 865

On Tuesday, April 23, at 9 AM, we had a Business & Leaders Meeting. Pastor Eric Gonyon and I tag-teamed, and the power of God hit the place. This meeting was the key that unlocked the door for the day. It was awesome.


On Tuesday afternoon, we went to the palace of King Zondi of the Zulu Kingdom to pray for the King, who had a stroke. Then we presented the gift of a cow to his son, Chief Inkosi Zondi, on his behalf. At 4 PM we met with the Premier of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Nomusa Dube-Ncube, a devout believer, who drove all the way from Durban to Pietermaritzburg to meet with me! We prayed for her and blessed her with my books and Stewardship Bible, which she was delighted to receive. I’m so humbled and honored to be able to represent King Jesus in the nations of the Earth.


Revival Meeting Night Two

Attendance: 1,618 | Altar Call: 274 | Mobilized: 1,033

What an amazing wrap-up on Tuesday, at the final 6 PM service. The morning’s meeting set the stage for an explosive night. The fire fell, the altar was filled, and many were touched by the power of the Holy Spirit and mobilized to win souls.


Pietermaritzburg Totals 3/3 Meetings

Total Attendance: 4500 | Total Altar: 641 | Total Mobilized: 1,968


Pietermaritzburg – Johannesburg

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

We left Pietermaritzburg at 8:30 AM and drove an hour to Greytown to visit Angus Buchan (Faith Like Potatoes). We blessed him, and he blessed us. He is a mighty man of God and a great blessing to the multitudes. Then we drove 75 miles through the hills of Kwa-Zulu to the airport to fly to Johannesburg.


When we arrived in Johannesburg, we had the privilege and honor to pray and dedicate the new five-and-a-half-hectare (13 ½ acre) property that came supernaturally into the hands of our friends, Pastors Nicky & Lillian van der Westhuizen, of New Beginnings Christian Family Church. The land is in a prime location, close to the OR Tambo International Airport. They bought it for only R1.8 million Rands from an elderly lady who wanted the church to have it. This land should have sold for 10 times that amount! This blessing came about directly after they sowed a substantial seed, for souls, into Revival Ministries International. 



City #263 of 300

Church Dedication—Thursday, April 25, 2024

Attendance: 512 | Altar Call: 295 | Mobilized: 471

We received a warm welcome in Livingstone, Zambia, from Pastor Janet Hart (from Church of New Life for All Nations) and many local officials, and Dr. Phil & Sharon Smethurst and Overland Missions. We flew in for one day, especially to dedicate this new church building that we helped complete. It is a beautiful 300-seater sanctuary with beautiful restrooms, kids’ church, a kitchen, and an office—apparently the nicest church building in the city. R.M.I. helped P. Janet with $50K to complete the building, and $16K for 300 new chairs.


At the church, we were warmly welcomed to the city by the Livingstone City Mayor, Constance Nalishebo Muleabai. The District Commissioner, Eunice Zulu Nawa was also in attendance. What a powerful night. We knew we would not fit the people in the building, so we had them put up a tent outside the church. We dedicated the church building, then we had a glorious Holy Ghost service, with many people saved, baptized in the Holy Ghost, filled with joy, and mobilized to win souls. Before we flew out, the mayor told us, “You are coming back—the Livingstone Stadium is yours at no charge.” Wow, something is happening! 


Holy Ghost & Fire Africa Tour 2024 Running Totals 5/7

Total Attendance: 121,841

Total Altar: 52,515

Total Mobilized: 86,269


Thank you so much for all your love, prayers, and support. We love you!
