My Prayer for You this Week..
January 23, 2019Publish date: 01/23/2019
Greetings in the wonderful Name of Jesus!Wow, what an amazing start to Winter Campmeeting 2019, and we still have four days left. You still have time to get here! In the weeks leading up to this, I have been praying and really pressing in that the Lord would supernaturally touch people with the fire of Heaven in a way they have never been touched before, and that has certainly been the case. There have been many testimonies already of those attending and those watching online that have received a touch from Heaven that they have never experienced before. I want to encourage you not to miss this week. Join us live in Tampa or online every day through Sunday.
Something happens when Jesus walks in the door. Something happens when He comes in the room—everything changes. You just have to reach out and receive. Just one touch from Him and everything changes.
I can’t get hungry for you. I can’t get thirsty for you. This is more than someone praying for you and you fall out under the power. It is about receiving POWER—FIREPOWER! I am talking about a fire that comes in your bones—that fire that burns on the inside of you. That fire will get stronger and stronger because He takes you from glory unto glory. When God touches you, everything you knew about yourself will change. I believe if you come hungry and thirsty and desperate for God, this shall be a supernatural week. This week shall be a week of impartation of the fire of the Holy Ghost. This week you will receive divine impartation and direction for your calling and ministry. God will lay the blueprint for the next five years in your spirit and it shall come by the fire of the Holy Ghost.

Winter Campmeeting | January 20-27, 2019
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This past Sunday, I also had the privilege of dedicating the newest members of the Howard-Browne family—our twin grandbabies, Jett Radko and Kennedy Rose Howard-Browne. I actually couldn't even speak. I just cried my eyes out. God is so good!

I believe, in 2019, you are going to see what the Lord promised you—regardless of what is happening in the nations. I want you to know that God’s Word is always the same. It worked 2000 years ago, it worked 1500 years ago, and it worked 1000 years ago—before any of the entities that even exist now were even formed. God is not dependent upon nations, presidents, kings or rulers. What God is doing in your life and your future has nothing to do with the daily news!
This is your year of blessing! This is your year of breakthrough! This is your year of prosperity! This is your year of acceleration! This is your year of multiplication! God’s Word will not return void! You shall not fail for the Lord is with you!
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support.
Your people will offer themselves willingly [to participate in Your battle] in the day of Your power. Psalm 110:3a AMP
Be a part of seeing whole nations shaken by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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We are praying for you, for multiplication, and for acceleration in everything that you do.
Many blessings,
Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne