S3 Missions

Please note: The Great Awakening Broadcast, Revival Ministries International, The River at Tampa Bay Church, and/or their staff/personnel accept no liability for any actions, demonstrations, counsel and/or services rendered by the following ministries, groups, and/or individuals and do not necessarily endorse and/or support the doctrine, beliefs, and/or practices of the registered S3s that are listed. The following list is provided only for reference and should not be viewed as affiliates of any of the above listed entities. This list should not be used for marketing purposes and/or solicitation purposes. Do not utilize it for any other reason than it's intended.

  • Group
  • Clifford & Cissy McCaa
    Calle 23 # 34 x 44 y 46
    Progreso, Yucatan , 97320 138
    Phone: 1-901-881-4452
    Website: www.cissymccaa.com
  • Ministry
  • Rios en la soledad
    Escuadra 70 Col. Sevilla C.P.15840
    Mיxico D.F., 15840 138
    Phone: 445513615414
  • Church
  • Morada Sion
    Mateo Rocha entre Felipe Angeles y Benjamin Hill
    Culiacan, Sinaloa, 80184 138
    Phone: 1556677109508
  • Church
  • Iglesia de Avivamiento River Church
    Martin Ruiz manzana 83 lote 13, Col Benito Juarez
    Rosarito, 22765 138
    Phone: +16197050825
    Email: Jesus_eslaluz@outlook.com
    Website: Iglesiadeavivamientojesuseslaluz.com