Newsletter February 12th, 2008
NewsletterPublish date: 03/01/2008
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February 12th, 2008 Dear Friends and Partners, Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus! What an awesome month January 2008 has been and February is turning out to be just as blessed. The first two crusades we held in Miami, in January this year, were Spanish crusades - in Dade (Miami) and Broward Counties (Ft Lauderdale). The harvest of the first two crusades in Miami resulted in 23,000 decisions! After that, we went straight into our Winter Campmeeting 2008 Fire Conference. We were LIVE across the USA every night by satellite. We saw an awesome move of God every night. Thousands of people in Tampa and all over the world were touched by the fire of God and changed for eternity. Our first crusade in February was in Port St. Lucie Florida. We mobilized 516 soul-winners resulting in 10,708 decisions for Christ. This brings our total harvest this year to over 33,000 decisions! We are set to see another 22 cities shaken this year as we light fires across America. This ministry is called to light the fires and the churches are responsible for keeping that flame burning in their city. We are getting reports from the cities we have already been to and hearing great reports of souls that are still being won and churches that are growing! Praise God! We want to thank all of our friends and partners for helping us make a difference in America and for helping us to see America shaken. TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT! I believe that 2007 was the start, 2008 will be an explosion, and by 2009 we will be right in the middle of the greatest move of God the world has ever seen! We would like to ask you to prayerfully consider the following things:
The three cities coming up next - all in Florida - are Cocoa, Gainesville, and Sanford (N. Orlando). We love you and thank you for your love and support - we are going to see America shaken by the power of God! We will all rejoice together at the Judgment Seat of Christ, as we share in the eternal rewards of the harvest! May God’s richest blessings be yours! Yours for revival and the harvest,
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