May 2006 Journal


Publish date: 05/30/2006

Dear Friends and Partners,

We have been very, very busy—mainly on the road—the last few months. We were in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in Christ Chapel at ORU; Fredericksburg, Virginia; Boston, Massachusetts; Pasadena, California; Auckland, New Zealand; and Melbourne and Brisbane, Australia. Every where we go, we see that hungry hearts invite the power and presence of God. It's really sad that so many Christians—even Spirit-filled Christians—are so apathetic. They have no expectation that God will show up in their midst and when He does they are surprised! Spirit-filled Christians should be blessed when Jesus shows up—not surprised! 

In April, we went to the Mott Auditorium in Pasadena, California, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Azusa Street outpouring. We called it "Azusa Street—Then and Now." So many people talk about what God did in the past and what He is going to do in the future, but we should also be talking about what He is doing right now! We had great meetings in California. The last night felt like we were just getting started and it would have been great if we could have stayed on another week. People were really starting to break through!  

We also had great meetings in New Zealand and Australia. Again, we had to break through so much apathy in the church. Some people come hungry, some come to look. You have to preach them hungry and thirsty before you can even begin to work on feeding their hunger with the bread of the Word of God and their thirst with the wine of the Holy Spirit. We had time limitations on the auditorium in Auckland, but still, hundreds of people gave their lives to the Lord and were filled with the Spirit every night. We had testimonies of people who were dramatically saved and filled with the Holy Spirit and filled with love for Jesus and the enthusiasm to live radically for Him from that moment on!

Our next mass crusade is right here—Good News Mdantsane—in the township of Mdantsane, just outside of East London, South Africa. I (Rodney) lived in and around this area for about nine years of my life, so this is my Jerusalem! (Acts 1:8) We will give away five homes—one per night—to needy families. The budget for this crusade is $600,000. Please pray today about partnering with us in this outreach. As we go into these huge crusades, we are literally storming the gates of hell. There is a spiritual battle for the hearts of men and we must do our part to take South Africa for Jesus. If people in these areas are not exposed to the truth of the Gospel, they are vulnerable to false religions, demonic activity through witch doctors, and crime and violence. The preaching of the truth in these areas is changing the spiritual climate of cities!

Thank you for praying for us and standing in faith with us for revival and the harvest. Thank you for you generous support and for partnering with us financially. We very much appreciate everything you do to stand with us and join with us to change our world! May the Lord richly bless you daily and bless the work of your hands.

Yours for Revival and the Harvest,
Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne