Monthly DevotionalPublish date: 09/13/2005

God says, "I will shake the nations and the desire and the precious things–the treasures–of all nations shall come in." Come in where? Come into the hands of the just. Proverbs 13:22 says that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just! This treasure will come into the hands of the righteous, who have been obedient and who have been faithful with their tithes and offerings. In Malachi 3:8-9, God says that His people rob and defraud Him when they withhold their tithes and offerings. Not only do they rob Him by holding back tithes, but they rob Him by holding back offerings too.
Your tithe comes out of your increase–what God has already given you–and your offering is for your future harvest! A tithe is a tenth–the first tenth–of your income and it goes to the place where you get fed the Word of God. If you don't have a church, you really need to find one. Wherever you are getting fed is where your tithe needs to go. Then–once you have paid your tithe–don't forget to pray about your offerings and cheerfully sow them into good ground. If you are stingy, selfish and covetous, not only will you be robbing God, but you will be robbing yourself. Make sure that you are doing your part so that God can do His part.
In James 5:7 it says that the husbandman (the farmer) waits patiently for the precious fruit of the earth. The precious fruit of the earth is people and it is going to take a great release of finances to get the job done! It is so important that you and I are faithful with our giving to ensure that we are positioned appropriately for this great end-time transfer of wealth! The purpose of this end-time transfer is for the funding of the end-time harvest–to bring in the greatest harvest of souls that the world has ever seen.
James 5:3 says that rich people, who trust in their riches rather than in God, have heaped together treasures for the last days. These are the last days! They might have hoarded it for their last days, but it will be released into the hands of the righteous in these last days! It is now time to see the release of these finances into the hands of God's ambassadors so the nations can be shaken by the power of God!
God says that the silver and the gold are His and also that He is going to fill this glorious end-time church with splendor. God is going to bless His church in a major way, but only as they obey Him and make His priority their priority. As we, the Church, obediently go to shake the nations, God will fill His Church with His splendor and place the silver and the gold into our hands. As we do our part, in obedience to the Word of God, the end-time purposes of God will be made manifest! The wealth of the sinner is coming into the hands of God's people for God's purposes!
The nations will be shaken!