Monthly DevotionalPublish date: 09/13/2005

God says to His people, "Open your mouth and I will fill it!" This statement implies several things—dependency, faith, trust, and an act of obedience on our part. On God's part, it implies commitment, faithfulness and provision.
Think of a nest of hungry baby birds. They are completely dependant on their mother and father. They expect Mom and Dad to provide food for them on a regular basis. When they see Mom and Dad, they immediately open their mouths wide—they usually have really big mouths for the size of their little, featherless bodies—and wait expectantly for their needs to be met. They have faith in their parents to regularly and promptly fill their mouths with everything they need.
In this passage of scripture you see Father God's promise to you and His desire for you. He wants to fill you; He wants to satisfy you. He is not holding back from you, depriving you, nor taking away from you. His desire is to do nothing but bless you! You also see why you may not be blessed as much as God wants to bless you.
A major hindrance to breaking free, mentally and materially, out of poverty and into prosperity and experiencing the mouth full of blessings God has for you, is fear and disobedience. God would be able to do so much more for His people if they would just commit completely to Him in every area of their lives. You have to humble yourself before the Father, yield to Him, and obey Him in every aspect of your life.
In order to have your mouth filled by the Lord, you need to do something. If you hear the Word, but do not do the Word, you hinder the blessing of God from being poured out on you. You need to read God's Word and take it seriously. You need to realize that obeying God's Word is not optional for you, but it is essential.
You need to believe and obey God's Word and act on it. You need to take a step of faith and obedience and be a giver. "Open your mouth" implies that you have to do something to make a way for God to bless you and the way you open yourself up for a blessing is by being a blessing.
Become a giver as a lifestyle. Give regularly; give consistently, give God what He asks for in the tithe—commit and be faithful with your tithe; be open to hear the Holy Spirit and give what He tells you to give in your offering; progress in your giving—as God increases you, increase your giving; use your faith as you stretch yourself to do more than you did previously.
Lift up your eyes and see what the Lord wants you to see and expect more to come in than ever before; don't limit yourself to your current sources of revenue—expect God to increase your resources for receiving and giving.
Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul; and all that is [deepest] within me, bless His holy name! 5 Who satisfies your mouth [your necessity and desire at your personal age and situation] with good so that your youth, renewed, is like the eagle's [strong, overcoming, soaring]! Psalms 103:1&5 AMP
Make a decision to receive God's Word for yourself personally, and open your mouth wide and let Him fill it, because God will satisfy your mouth with good, feed you with the finest of the wheat, and satisfy you with honey out of the rock!