May 2003
NewsletterPublish date: 05/06/2003
Dear Friends and Partners,
If you did not join us for "Eight Days of Glory" you missed out on some anointed meetings! There was such a sweet anointing—really the anointing has been increasing since December. It is as if we have plugged into a fresh flow of living water!
All we can say is that God is good to us. Yes, He is good to ALL of us. He loves us so much—unconditionally—with no judgment or condemnation. To Him, we are valuable and precious. He is tender and compassionate toward us and at the same time, ardently devoted to our well-being.
Since we came to America in 1987, we have kept up a brutal schedule. The last sixteen and a half years have been both glorious in the Spirit and hard on us in the natural. Most of the time, we have worked seven days a week without a day to rest. At the beginning of 2002, we told the Lord that we did not think that we could keep up this pace and He told us to slow down and command the harvest. We did as He instructed us—we slowed down by doing only night services׀and we were glad for the rest, because we were in a better position mentally and physically before Kelly went home to be with the Lord. When you are exhausted, you cannot make good decisions or handle difficult situations like you can when you are rested.
This year the Lord spoke to us about the Year of Jubilee—a year of rest and refreshing—a time to focus on the Lord and His goodness. The primary way to demonstrate your thankfulness to the Lord is to bring an offering. We have been personally, and as a ministry, sowing as much as we can into the work of God. This last month RMI chartered and paid for an airplane for Reinhard Bonnke to fly to Nigeria for a crusade where 750000 people gave their lives to Jesus. We believe in his ministry and we want to continue to sow into it and to be a part of this mighty harvest of souls.
If you want to be a part of the mighty things that God is doing in the earth today—if you want to store up awesome treasures in heaven—then it is time for you to stretch your faith and sow mightily into this good ground of the kingdom of God! Be bold in your giving—be anointed in your giving—give the best you have and God will bless you and give you even the secret petitions of your heart.
May God bless you and keep you in His tender, loving care. We pray for you and we declare God's blessings on you and your family.
Yours for Revival,
Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne