June 2003


Publish date: 06/02/2003

Dear Friends and Partners,

We greet you in the wonderful Name of Jesus.

We want to start by thanking you, our faithful partners, for your love, your prayers and your support of this ministry. You are a blessing and we love and appreciate you very much. The time is short and there is much to be done. We do not have time to spend on things that have no value in eternity. God can only bless that which has an eternal purpose—that which builds the kingdom of God.

Our church, The River at Tampa Bay, has been going out on the streets in Brandon, Florida, winning people to the Lord like we did in New York and Shreveport. We set a goal of 10,000 people in April and we exceeded that number by 5,000—we had 15,000 saved in one month! Hallelujah! If you want to learn how to lead people to the Lord, come and join us in Tampa for a few days—your life will never be the same. Call us and ask for the River Ministry Center and we will be happy to help you.

We were in Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, for a week in May. We were in an unfinished 3000 seat church building with no roof, only walls and concrete floor, stage and bleachers. It was very hot in the day—110-130F—but in the evening it cooled down about 10-30 degrees. We were glad for the breeze! In spite of the heat and the dusty concrete floor, people came and stayed and were wonderfully touched. Some of them lay on the hard concrete floor for ages, laughing and weeping, as the Spirit of God touched them and changed them. We had over 1,500 people saved in four nights.

We also spent four days in London, England, in the Royal Albert Hall with Pastor Colin Dye of Kensington Temple. The people were open and hungry and the fire of God fell in a powerful way. Approximately 600 people were saved. These were some of the best meetings we have ever had in the U.K.

We encourage you to go to our website׀we have made big changes in the last month. You can get a regular update of where we have been—including photos of the meetings. In June, we will be in Ft. Worth, Texas, and South Africa—in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. In July, we will be with Joe and Becky Cruse in Austin, Texas.

Thank you again for your support of this ministry. When you sow into Revival Ministries International, you sow into revival and also into world missions. Not only do we go to the nations, but we sow into other ministries who go to the nations and also into orphanages for abandoned and Aids babies. God bless you as you join with us to do the will of God.