Can Jesus use Your Boat?
Monthly DevotionalPublish date: 04/21/2006

Dear Friends & Partners,
Greetings in the Wonderful Name of our Lord and Savior
When the Lord spoke to me about America, this past December, He asked me, "How are you going to reach America without going on TV?" Going on TV was something that I had not wanted to do. However, since I have made myself available to the Lord in this regard, awesome things have begun to happen. In March, we started on TV—every Monday through Friday at 5:30 pm—on SuperChannel 55 in Orlando, Florida. They are also airing the program at 12:30 am daily on weekdays.
We are excited to announce that we are going on TV on the following stations:
On April 10, 2006, we start five days a week, Monday through Friday at 4:00 pm, on Channel 22—Christian Television Network (CTN—in Clearwater, Florida. CTN broadcasts in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and Iowa. They are also broadcast on Sky Angel. Click on to see their coverage area. We will soon be broadcasting daily on Oral Roberts' network, Golden Eagle Broadcasting, out of Tulsa, Oklahoma; as well as on TV across Puerto Rico. A while back we gave a satellite uplink away to a church in Orlando. Now they are going to put us on TV twice a day across Puerto Rico.
Please keep checking our website for updates. If you are not in any of these coverage areas you will still be able to view the telecast at your leisure at under the Chronicles of Revival banner. We are very excited about this opportunity to take the power of God to the nation of America. America must have a great awakening and I believe that we will see an awakening this decade!
In March, we traveled to the Faroe Islands; Aland Island; Stockholm, Sweden; and Somerville, Massachusetts, close to Boston. We had awesome meetings—we saw revival and hundreds of salvations. In the Faroe Islands, particularly, we saw a great move of God among the youth. Teens were so excited about the meetings that they brought hundreds of their friends from school. Kids who had never heard the gospel gave their lives to Jesus and were filled with the Spirit and the joy of the Lord. It was awesome!
In order to be a blessing to you, to let you know what we are doing, and to help keep you a part of the ministry, as we travel around, bringing the fire of revival wherever we go—every day we post photos, write-ups, and podcasts on Please check our website for updates from the crusades. It is not that we are doing any more than we've ever done, but technology helps us to bring you real time updates, photos, and voice recordings. If you don't already get our e-mails and you would like to, please go to our website and register so that we can send you regular updates from the field.
The upcoming meetings this month, that I need to bring to your attention, are Good News New Zealand and Good News Mdantsane. Good News New Zealand is in the city of Auckland and the cost is US $250,000. We have an opportunity to shake a nation. We will be in a beautiful 5,000 seat sports arena. The billboards have gone up in the city and, as we write this, over 2,000 people have already registered. After this we will also preach in churches in Melbourne and Brisbane, Australia. Then we have Good News Mdantsane coming up on June 7–11 just outside East London, South Africa. This is a mass crusade that will touch millions of people in the Eastern Cape Province—the area in which I was born and raised. We are planning to give five houses away—one a night – to needy families. These houses cost $25,000 each. Please pray about sowing a special seed into Good News Mdantsane!
I would like to encourage you, our friends and partners, to prayerfully consider helping us on a regular basis with a monthly love gift. We thank the Lord for all the one-time gifts that are sent, however the consistency of a regular monthly gift, whether small or large, helps us in an amazing way, because it's something that we can count on every month. A gift of $20, $50, or $100 or more a month would be a great help and a great blessing. Also, those who can do one-time gifts of $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $50,000 or $100,000 will help to kick the ministry to the next level.
Remember when Jesus walked up to Peter and asked Him if He could use His boat? Peter allowed Jesus to preach off of his boat and when Jesus had finished He told Peter to launch out in the deep.
The Word of God declares that Jesus gave Peter a net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish! It was so obviously a miracle catch that it shook Peter to the core—he left everything to follow Jesus into the ministry!
Peter's boat was an amplification system that Jesus used to preach the Gospel to the masses. Your gift—your seed—is an amplification system for the Gospel to reach the masses. We cannot do it without you! Jesus needs you in the ministry and by sowing your seed, you are enabling us to carry this good news to the far-flung corners of the globe!
Please pray and agree with us for the extra, over and above our normal budget, to come in so that the harvest can be reaped. We want you to know that your seed sown into this ministry is going into good soil and that it's reaping an eternal harvest of souls. This is the year of the harvest and the flood and we believe that we are right in the timing of God! We love and appreciate you. May the Lord's richest blessings be upon you as you obey Him and serve Him!
Yours for Revival and the Harvest,
Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne
P.S. If you are being blessed by this ministry, e-mail us at, or submit your testimony on the website by clicking on the "Submit Testimony" tab.