G.A.T. Riverside, California Day 4
- Monday, January 19, 2009
Tonight the fire of God fell again and many lives were changed forever. With 587 harvesters, we have seen...
G.A.T. Riverside, California Day 3
- Sunday, January 18, 2009
The fire of God fell tonight as many are falling in love with Jesus all over again. With 430 harvesters, we...
Announcements Week of January 18th -...
- Sunday, January 18, 2009
THURSDAY NIGHT PRAYER Our Thursday night prayer service is back on! Be sure to join us every...
God Confirms His Word
- Sunday, January 18, 2009
Foundation Scriptures: Mark 16:15-20 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the...
G.A.T. Riverside, California Day 2
- Saturday, January 17, 2009
Many came hungry for a move of God tonight and they were filled. With 399 harvesters we have seen over...
G.A.T. Riverside, California Day 1
- Friday, January 16, 2009
The entire place was packed to capacity with hungry people desperate for Jesus this opening night. The fire...
G.A.T. Riverside, California...
- Monday, January 12, 2009
God is doing great things. Please, come and join us this Friday, January 16, through Friday, January 23,...
Announcements Week of January 11th -...
- Sunday, January 11, 2009
CHOIR REHEARSALS Choir rehearsals will resume this Thursday, January 15th at 7 PM. For more...
How to Train the Human Spirit
- Sunday, January 11, 2009
Foundation Scripture: Hebrews 8:10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel...